Bob Dancer is the author of Million Dollar Video Poker, and Video Poker for the Intelligent Beginner. Bob is the world’s foremost video poker expert and a regular columnist for Casino Player, Strictly Slots, and the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Tens of thousands of casino enthusiasts look to Bob Dancer for advice about playing their favorite gambling game. His Video Poker Strategy Cards, Winners Guides, and books are the best-selling video poker tutorials of all time-–making Bob Dancer the most sought-after source of video poker advice in the country. When he’s not chasing jackpots, Bob can be found teaching video poker strategy to standing-room-only crowds in casinos around the country.
- Bob is the best known video poker player and writer in the country today.
- He has won more than $1 million during a six-month period.
- Best known teacher of video poker having given classes at several casinos.
He can teach you how to:
- Accumulate and manage a bankroll
- Evaluate promotions
- Cope with losing (and winning) streaks
- Negotiate with the casinos,
- Find and exploit the good opportunities
- Get the comps that are coming to you
- Take a pot shot on a big game
- Plus much much more.